Causes of Resto Gofood Lonely Buyers and Solutions

Causes of Resto Gofood Lonely Buyers- Hey friends. This time I want to invite a discussion while sharing information about the reasons that causes the Gofood Resto Lonely Buyer or the reason why the Gofood Resto is lonely buyers.

You need to know that lonely or the hectic restaurant in Gofood is related to some aspects. Here are some reasons that might be the cause of your restaurant lonely buyers.

1. At least the Gojek application users around the restaurant

This is the first and main cause that allows your Gofood Resto to the buyer, that is, there are still at least the user of the Gojek application around your restaurant. It is true that gourjek has become a national application commonly known in the community. Even so, it cannot be denied that not all layers of familiar society use this application.


So, you can make sure, how about the habits of the community around your restaurant, it's familiar or not with the Gojek application? If not, then it's a good idea to consider an offline marketing approach like a brochure.

2. Low Rating Resto

Believe it or not a very influential rating on customer decisions to buy or not. Generally, the normal rating for a restaurant in Gofood is 4. Larger is better, but if below 4, for example 3.7, it means that you need to finish immediately. If a low rating is likely that prospective buyers are not sure of your restom and choose to find another restaurant.


You can outsmart it by shooting orders or asking your closest people to order your product through the Gojek application and ask them to give the best rating for their orders.

3. Promo

Other factors that are no less important are promos. The majority of Gofood buyers are those who are looking for discounts or the best promos. And not infrequently, the Merchant or Owner Resto does not make a promo or join a self-promo from Gojek. It can also be the reason why your restaurant is deserted by the buyer.


Therefore, it is important for you to maximize the available promo features, whether it's a discount or postage piece to add to your restaurant appeal. In addition, you also need to do promo research from your rival restaurant. For example, your rival resto gives a 20% discount. Then you can give the same discount as your rival or greater so that prospective buyers are more interested in your restom. Even so, you still have to calculate your income. Don't let the promo you make makes you boncos aka can't be profit at all.

4. Losing competitiveness in Gojek search results

Losing competitiveness in Gojek search results can be the cause of the lone of your Gofood Resto. The factors that affect search results are very large. Officially, Gojek did not release factors that influence search results. However, from the sharing of several sellers or Merchat Gofood, we agree that these factors might affect gournot search results.

  1. Often or rarely holidays. The more often you are off, the worse our restaurant ranks are in Gojek search results.
  2. a lot or or not the purchase. If your product rarely has a buyer, then the ranking of your product can also go down.
  3. There is no promo. Products that are often provoked have more likely to get a good ranking in Gojek search results
  4. Rating Resto. The greater your restaurant rating, the greater the possibility of restomu products win in gojek search results.
  5. often or or not refusing orders. Many senior merchants argue that often reject orders greatly affect search results. Therefore, as much as possible avoid refusing orders.

There may still be several other reasons that are missed about the factors that influence search results. However, I think the five points above are the main and most often mentioned by the Senior Gofood Merchan.

5. Often holiday / schedule open the resto is not consistent

This factor can cause why your Gofood restaurant is lonely buyers. Just logging you must agree. I am analogous like this, you have 10 customers who always buy your product on Tuesday. However, sometimes you are on Tuesday for certain reasons. 10 Your customers can find other restaurants that open and move hearts to subscribe to other restaurants.


Therefore, you have to make sure that you can follow the open schedule and schedule closing your restaurant according to each day. In addition, avoid sudden holidays too often because it is at risk of eliminating subscription trust. You also have to make sure it doesn't close too fast or faster than the schedule you usually close.

6. New Resto

in my opinion this is a common cause why your Gofood restaurant is still quiet. The new restaurant is certainly not indexed perfectly by the gojek algorithm. In addition, new restaurants are certainly a little history order so that the trust and rating have not been built. So, if your restaurant is still young, maybe he is still a monthly range, don't worry too much. For new restaurants, just focus on service and also the rating for building your resto trust and reputation both in the eyes of the buyer and algorithm of gojek. According to some sellers in Gofood, the average they need 3-10 months to build their Gofood restaurant. So, if I can suggest, for the first year, don't break the spirit of building a reputation of your Gofood Resto.

That's some reason that might be the cause of your Gofood Resto is lonely buyers. The solution I gave was what I got from my senior-senior experience that had already turned out in the field of Gofood's online restaurant. Hopefully the information above has benefits. If there is something wrong or less or less clear, please ask and just say through the comments column. Thank you for reading and see you in my other writing.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar

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