Changes to GoBiz/GoFood Disbursement Policy, Good or Bad?

Changes to GoBiz/GoFood Disbursement Policy, Good or Bad? - Some time ago, I received an email from GoBiz or GoFood about the change in the policy for withdrawing the balance to the account.

More details are like the following announcement banner.

banner perubahan kebijakan gobiz
Images from NINURA

Along with this announcement, it is also explained about the policy where if in one day the balance obtained from the business is below Rp25,000, the balance will be held in the GoBiz account and if the balance reaches more than or equal to Rp25,000, then disbursement is carried out as usual, namely the next day.

Well, because I think this policy is quite detrimental to some small or new merchants whose income at Gobiz is uncertain, I want to discuss this policy a little from my personal point of view as a user as well as a merchant of GoBiz.< /p>

First I want to let you know that I am a new user at GoBiz and have only been actively using this application for a few weeks to market my sales.

And from my experience as a new user, this policy really burdens me because my income is still unclear. Sometimes there are orders coming in, sometimes all day it stays 0.

Moreover, my merchandise on GoFood is sold for around Rp. 20,000 per portion, which you need to know that the money I received was only Rp. 16,000 for every 1 portion because there was an admin discount from Gobiz of 20% or Rp. 4,000 for the products I sell.

With this policy, it means like it or not I have to think hard so that every time I get 1 order the money can be disbursed.

And one thing that came to my mind was to make a fake order to increase my balance in my GoBiz. Because I can't force my offline customers to intentionally order my merchandise via gofood.

It is true that this policy does not have much effect, for merchants whose restaurants are already 'finished'.

But I'm not talking about big restaurants whose turnover is already hundreds of thousands to millions per day. As I said at the beginning, I express my opinion as a new user whose restaurant doesn't have a stable income from GoBiz like me.

I don't even know why Gojek or more precisely GoBiz enforces this policy. However, prioritizing khusnudzon, I believe it is the wisest decision for the good of GoBiz and also its merchant partners.

Suggestions for GoBiz

As a Gobiz user responding to this policy update, I have a suggestion that I hope will be a solution and read by Gojek or especially Gobiz.

In my opinion, it would be better if Gobiz implemented a wallet system where merchants know how much money or balance they have and merchants have the right to withdraw funds without a minimum and at any time without a specific schedule. Yes, maybe like the system in the marketplace.

Yes but this is still just an opinion. Once again, I believe Gojek and Gobiz have carefully considered this decision. So I fully support this new policy.

Maybe that's all I want to convey, I hope this opinion is useful and see you in my other writings.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar

Halo, saya Nisfa. Saya adalah pengelola dari Ninura, sebuah online shop yang sekaligus media informasi dan hiburan melalui beberapa anak situsnya. Salam kenal, dan semoga betah di Ninura.

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