How to set up the operating hours of Resto Gofood in the Gobiz application

How to set up the operating hours of the Gofood Resto in the Gobiz- Hello all. This time I want to share a simple tutorial on how to set up the Gofood Resto operating hours using the Gobiz application.

This tutorial is useful so that your Operational Resto Gofood is on schedule and can close yourself when it's time to close. That way, you don't have to bother setting the resto open the resto manually. If you want to know how, please follow the short guide below.


  1. Internet connection
  2. Gobiz application




  1. Step 1 - Open the Gobiz application, open the other menu
  2. Step 2 - Open my outlet menu
  3. Step 3 - Open the operating hours menu
  4. Step 4 - Choose the day you want to set up, press Seture
  5. Step 5 - Set operational hours
  6. Step 6 - Pay attention to the details of the disbursement of the Gofood Restomu balance
Time Estimated: 5 minutes.

Step 1 - Open the Gobiz application, open the other menu

Open the Gobiz application, open the other menu
Image from NINURA
The first thing you need to do is open the Gobiz application that has been installed on your mobile phone. Make sure you have logged in using the Gobiz Owner account. After that, please open the other menu on the lower right view of your Gobiz application.,

Step 2 - Open my outlet menu

Open my outlet menu
Image from NINURA
After that, please open my outlet menu. The menu is on the right as I showed the picture above.,

Step 3 - Open the operating hours menu

Open the operating hours menu
Image from NINURA
On my outlet page, you will see several menu choices. Please focus on the operating hours menu at the bottom as I showed the picture above. Please enter the menu.,

Step 4 - Choose the day you want to set up, press Seture

Choose the day you want to set up, press Seture
Image from NINURA
Next, please select the days you want to set the operating hours. After that, please press the set button on the right name of the day as I showed the picture above.,

Step 5 - Set operational hours

Set operational hours
Image from NINURA
On the day page you choose, please set the operating hours. You can choose the option to open 24 hours if the day's resto is open 24 hours. You can also choose the lid option if it's your resto you take a holiday or not open. In addition, you can also set up specifically open time and close according to the need as I showed number 2 in the picture above. If there are some time shifts, you can add some clock options as in number 3. If you have, please press and set the operating hours for another day.,

Step 6 - Pay attention to the details of the disbursement of the Gofood Restomu balance

Pay attention to the details of the disbursement of the Gofood Restomu balance
Image from NINURA
On this page you will see detailed transaction transactions of balance or funds from your Gofood account on the specified date. Until this stage you have managed to know when transferring from Gofood will enter your account. My experience, the payout time span until it really goes into the account can be on time or delay for several hours, even 6 hours. So, if you haven't entered, please be patient.

That's the simple tutorial about how to set up your Gofood restaurant operating hours. Hopefully this tutorial is useful. If there is something unclear or want to be asked, just just submit it through the comments column below. Good luck and see you in my other writing.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar

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